Vera Roberts, Ph.D. phone: 416.977.6000 x 3954
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Vera is Research Facilitator of the Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC) where she helps plan IDRC projects as well as plans and carries out iterative studies, evaluations and usability assessments for IDRC research and development projects or provides assistance to others in developing survey and assessment tools. Recent projects include, CulturAll, The Inclusive Learning Exchange (TILE), Canadian Network for Inclusive Cultural Exchange (CNICE), LDAO’s Web Based Teaching Tool, SNOW and Taking Ontario Mobile. Vera's primary research interests are acccessible usability evaluation methods, accessible media and universal design.
Treviranus, J., & Roberts, V. (2008). Meeting the Learning Needs of All Learners Through IT. In Joke Voogt and Gerald Knezek (eds.) International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary & Secondary Education. (pp. 789-802). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.
Roberts, V & Silverman, C. (November 2006) Having it all in the digital age. Abilities Magazine, 69, Winter, pp. 44-45. Published online at
Roberts, V.L. & Fels, D.I. (2005). Methods for inclusion: employing think aloud protocols in software usability studies with individuals who are deaf. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 64, pp. 489-501.
Treviranus, J. & Roberts, V. (2005). Inclusive E-learning in J. Weiss et al. (eds.),The International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments, Springer: Netherlands, pp. 439–465.
Treviranus, J. & Roberts, V. (2004). Supporting competent motor control of augmentative and alternative communication systems. In Light, J., Beukelman, D. & Reichle, J. (Eds.), Communicative Competence for Individuals Who Use AAC: From Research to Effective Practice. MD: Brooks.
Nevile, L., Lissonnet,S., Roberts, V., & Treviranus, J. (2004) "Rich Experiences for All Participants" in David Bearman and Jennifer Trant (eds.). Museums and the Web 2004: Proceedings. Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2004.